Recently my husband and I celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary. We're still going strong and lovin it up! So to celebrate, we decided to abandon our son with grandma and grandpa Robles and elope to the mountains, more specifically La Wis Wis campground near Mt. Rainier. My family have gone there several times in the past and love it. The water is freezing cold but so clear and beautiful and the forest is amazing. So we got there and it looked like rain but decided to change into our swimming suits anyways and swim. A miracle happened and the sun came out, it didn't change the temperature of the water but glacier water is so much more easier to swim in when at least the sun is out. We mostly paddled around in the tubes but bravely dunked 3 times before the day was through. We took our time on the way back and stopped at scenic view points. We ended the day with dinner at Red Robin and as a result have become adamant opposers of the Southwest burger. DO NOT ORDER IT, its gross. Our son had forgotten who we were during this time and refused to make eye contact with us when we returned. He did not exhibit any signs of attachment or recognition but we were still glad to see him. We're happy that he likes his grandma and grandpa so much and that he's okay if we disappear for a day.
Its been a good 2 years with Nathan, and I think that this 3rd year will top them both. I got me a good, funny, kind, and handsom man!