Monday, November 22, 2010

Miracle of Miracles, wonders of wonders, It snowed!! It's not even Thanksgiving yet and we already got a large amount of snow. I'm really excited this year about the snow because this is the first winter Benny can actually walk and run and jump in the snow and it will be so fun watching him play in it!! He's not really that used to it yet. I took him out in it this morning and it was cute watching him lift his little legs up high every time he had to take a step in the snow. It came up to about his thighs. He seemed to enjoy it because it was so new and different and he even laughed when I threw a snowball at him. I hope we'll be able to go sledding soon. Can't wait!!

Benny's coat makes a nice head warmer

Nathan helped my brother make a movie and here they are in costume

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Nathan got accepted to BYU-I!! He hasn't found out about Provo yet. I guess they haven't made their decision yet, but anyways here's some pics to show what's been going on.

Ephraim learned how to roll!! Look at that proud face!

Everybody down! I got a baby and I know how to use him!

Daddy is never alone when he is studying.

Kinda scary I guess

He was surrounded by dragons on every side!

I found a little laundry gnome in my laundry!

Ephraim is so ready for solids

yummm, books