Tuesday, October 6, 2009

School days come back

A lot has happened! First of all, Nathan has started up school again and so have I!! I discovered a couple of months ago that I only had 4 classes left to qualify for an AA. I had no idea i was so close, so I decided to finish it off. I'm now enrolled at CBC in a basic biology class. The plan is to enroll in one class per quarter so I can still take care of Benny. I have my class after Nathan is done with all his so I can take Benny to campus and trade him off to Nathan with his lunch and then while I'm in class Benny and Nathan are hanging out and eating lunch. It's a really fun arrangement. I love taking Benny to campus with me and I love seeing him and my hubby right after class. I'm really enjoying this little season of our lives. We also took a trip to Rexburg and got to see little Joseph!!! He is amazingly cute and has the radest hair ever, its super thick and is golden brown like a lions mane. We also took a trip to Provo on conference weekend to attend Nathan's mission reunion. We traveled all day and thought we would only be 40 minutes late but then we ran into traffic. We hadn't anticipated traffic from conference. We made it just on time for the ending. Luckily a lot of people had stayed after and Nathan got to chat with a couple of his comps for about 2 hours, so it was worth it. Benny is developing quite a bit, he is starting to stand on his own, is sprouting his first tooth, and is making 2 syllable sounds! He is well on his way. Anyways, till next time.

All the Robles men at the gardens at BYU-I

Benny's forth haircut

Benny and little Joseph

Benny in the Bath/sink

A table I bought at goodwill and painted

Bennys attempt at eating

The fam up in a tree on the way back from the Puwallup fair

Sporting our cool head attire that we got at the Puwallup fair. I got a lot of comments, people asked me if it was my real hair. Benny's hat was actually made by Aunt Emilee. Check them out on etsy.com.


  1. VEry nice post. Love all the photos. I think you should consider the blue hair as a more permanent arrangement.

  2. Benny is getting so big! I can't believe it!

  3. what a lovely writer you are, and i can't believe how old benny looks in those pictures!
