Ah, no food, just toys
Nathan and I were in charge of decorations for the ward Christmas Dinner and with a lot of help from others we hung up these little flowery puffballs in the gym. It looked a lot better in real life. We were very proud of the results and I'm glad its over now. It was a little stressful. Thank goodness for my sister Julie. All the decorations wouldn't have looked near as great if she hadn't swooped in and helped out. She even changed Benny's poopy diaper in the middle of all of it. Blessed saint!
Uncle Ben!!!
Daddy and naked babies!! Ephraim kinda looks like he has a gorilla chest in this picture.
Cute Pictures! I saw them earlier but never got around to posting. Sorry. Ephraim (am I spelling that right?) has a cute smile. Cody and I love the picture of the naked babies on Nathan....classic. ^_^ See you all soon!!!!!