Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The inconveniences of Motherhood

lately, I've been thinking a lot about certain aspects of motherhood. I'll admit that when I first saw Benny, I didn't exactly bond with him on the spot. For the first couple weeks, I felt like he was a stranger in our home. I didn't know this little spirit at all. I know some mothers feel a connection at the very beginning but that wasn't me. I had to get used to Benny and then a connection grew gradually over the months and so did my love for him.
As I think about this gradual process of love, I also think about the world's general view of children and motherhood. Having children is viewed as an inconvenience. However, I'm finding that a lot of the times, I cherish the inconvenient moments with Benny. If I am doing something on the counter, Benny will crawl up to my feet and imploringly cry to be let up to see what I am doing. Although a task is made a lot harder when reduced to one hand, I love the look on his face as he looks at what I am doing with happy interest being totally oblivious to the fact that it has cost me the use of one arm just so I can hold him. Bedtimes I especially love. Benny doesn't easily fall asleep on his own and usually the advise for that is to sleep train him, which involves just letting him cry till he falls asleep. That method I hear works wonders for the mothers sleep schedule but I love holding him and gradually rocking him to sleep. We do however put him in the crib to kinda tire him out so he goes to bed at a descent time but it always ends with him in my arms. I love the feel of his little body cuddled up to me and falling asleep. There are so many other moments that I love with Benny that make life a little "inconvenient" but I love them all.

Shhhh, he's almost asleep, nobody make a sound!

Just kidding!!!

sleepy in the fireplace

I love this picture, it captures his excitement

Cody and Jillian surprised us during the weekend and showed up in Kennewick without even telling us! We loved it. They dropped by our apartment while we were having Pam and Adam over for dinner and we had a great time all hanging out. It was a record for the number of people in our small home with babies up the wazoo!


  1. I totally know what you mean, it may take more time, but to me its really not an incovienence, and I love teaching her! Children grow so fast and they dont keep, I want mine to remember that I had time for them! Love the pictures!! Thanks for all your help today!

  2. you said it, I love being a mom. Power to all moms past, present, and future!

  3. "It could have been different, but it couldn't have been better". Raising you guys was just like that. And THEN, I got to be a grandma. That's as good as it gets!

  4. Yup gotta do whatever works for you no matter what anybody thinks!!!! 2nd power to mamas! ^_^ I'm so glad we decided last minute to come home. And,I'm pretty sure you know this, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE benny's coat!!!it is the BEST!!
