Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sometimes I feel like I'm talking about the family dog or cat instead of our boys. For instance, yesterday I was changing Ephraim's diaper when I realized that I was out of diapers and I needed to open a new box. So while I was trying to get the box open with our keys and tearing the tape away, "His Nakedness" made an escape into the kitchen crawling past Nathan who had his hands tied up with something. Then I heard Nathan yelling "He's peeing on our shoes!" I hurried over to find Ephraim smiling with those big eyes and sitting in a puddle next to our shoes with his very own signature mark soaking in. It took me back to another time when I heard Nathan yell "He peed on our rug!" referring to Benny while we were preparing him for a shower. Other times it will be "He's chewing on Benny's shoes!" or "He's gotten into the garbage again." or "He's digging up the garden." Maybe someday when we say these phrases, we'll actually be referring to our dog but for now, we're talking about our boys. Gotta love em!!!


  1. What a funny little guy Ephraim is- never a dull moment when you have little ones:)

  2. I think I missed this post for some reason until I was reading your latest one and saw this one. That is really cute. Joseph does that all the time... well, not as much but he does still do it. And he thinks its funny too. Boys are so silly!
