Sunday, September 25, 2011

Ok, so we are finally moved in and I've finished decorating so I'm ready to post pictures of our new home! The pics are kinda backwards though, I meant to start with the pics at the bottom but oh well.

This is the boys closet. I just show it, because now that we finally have a separate closet from the boys I wonder how we fitted all 4 of our clothes into a closet half that size.

And this is the boys room. Benny gots his airbed.

And this is our closet. I love having a bigger closet!

our bedroom

our bedroom
our kitchen. I love the dishwasher!
view of the living room from the kitchen. check out all that counter space.

view of the bathroom and bedroom entrances from the kitchen

view of kitchen from the living room

the couches and table came with the apartment

other side of the living room

view when you walk in the door

our apartment from the outside. ours is the top left one.
This is one of my latest finished projects. This was an antique window frame we bought at the oregon coast at an antique shop. We got some glass fitted for each section and put in some craft paper and pictures that Jana took while we were still in Kennewick. I love the pics! Thanks Jana.

This is my most recently finished project. Nathan has been wanting for the longest time a magnetic chalk board. So we found a cool frame at D.I. for super cheap and then we found some scrap metal in the garbage area of one of the buildings on campus. So we cut it to size and bought some of that chalkboard paint and painted it. Then I modge podged some craft paper on a cardboard frame and we taped it together. We also bought some antique broaches at the coast and hot glued those onto some magnets. Anyways, we love it.

Anyways, as for us, we are doing great. We both love it here in Rexburg and we especially love the school. Nathan just applied for fast grad and we are waiting to hear back from the school. If we get accepted, the projected graduation date is winter 2014. The reason it will take a little longer is because his degree requires two internships. So he will be going to school for 6 semesters and doing internships for 2. We have to make his resume and start applying for internships soon because they say we need to get that done with as soon as possible.
I've also joined the cross country team which I am loving! Thank goodness BYU-I doesn't take sports seriously enough to exclude out of shape non-student spouses. I'm on the same team with Sharlee and Rachel Fowers. They are both way faster than me (okay, I'm pretty much the last one back from every run) but I don't care, I'm just glad to be getting back in shape and boy am I out of shape! My muscles have been soar for days and I felt like throwing up during the first practice. We also live really close to Justin and Rachel (they actually live in the same kind of four-plexes as us so we're also in the same ward) and Brandon and Andrea Plunkett. We've already had some fun group dates with them. We went bowling at the MC together and had them over for dinner. Thanks to Sharlee for babysitting, we can actually do that. Thanks Sharlee!!! Nathan rides his bike to school which he loves but he's already had 4 flats on the same tire! It's been frustrating but we think we figured out why, apparently he was missing a tire guard to begin with.
Benny has had a hard time adjusting especially and at the beginning it made him extremely clingy but he seems to be doing better now. He frequently mentions "the other house" (which is our place in Kennewick of course) with excitement and I tell him we'll go back during Christmas time and he gets so excited. Oddly enough, the person he mentions the most is Aunt Jillian and then Uncle Cody. I think its because wherever Jillian and Cody are, Joseph is and he really loved playing with Joseph and I think he wants playmates his age. So I need to find some other moms with 2 year olds too. Anyways, that's is for now.


  1. The place looks awesome, You guys did a good job decorating! It must be so nice having so much space. But wait till you go clean! j/k ^_^
    Glad we could see you tonight. Sorry If I seemed quiet It's just weird talking when there are so many people around. I was wondering if you guys remembered the names of that investigating couple and had their number, haven't seen them in a while.

  2. I'm really impressed with your decorating and crafting skills. Your place looks really cute. And I'm jealous that my sister gets to hang out with you - I wish I lived close!

  3. I love that your message board says "send photos to mom!" Can't wait. Love how pretty your apartment is. Love you!

  4. I love your apt! Lots of space for the boys to run around! I like your chalkboard frame, I've been meaning to make one too! I like your window frame, I want to do the same thing, but haven't really looked for a window yet. I'm glad everything is well with you all, I've been wondering lately. Take care and good luck with cross country, glad you have Sharlee there to help you out! Love you all!
