Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hey hey, just a quick update. The quarter has ended and we are now enjoying our spring break! We just found out today that Nathan passed all of his classes. He was a little worried, he always is at the end of the quarter but as usual he has come out triumphant and victorious. He's a lot smarter that he realizes. Our plans were to work on the garden over the break and get the planter boxes up and make it look pretty but as it has turned out, our neighbors have needed help getting their summer projects up and running too so Nathan hasn't had a lot of opportunity to garden. My cousin and neighbor has been nice enough to employ Nathan in helping him move out so we feel very blessed that the Lord has presented so many opportunities for Nathan to earn money. Benny is getting soooo much more active. He cannot be contained at church and we find ourselves missing a lot of the meetings. I remember when he couldn't move and he would just sit there and now I look at him now and wonder how people do it with more than 1 kid. I guess its something you work up to like most things in life. As for me, everything is going fine, I'm getting more and more excited for when the baby comes. I want to sleep on my stomach again and wear my old clothes and just be back to normal. Don't get me wrong, being pregnant is great but I'm ready for a change. I'm also very hopeful, I got an ultrasound today, and the baby is head down!! That means I might deliver naturally. I really don't want to do the whole C-section thing again. This baby seems a lot more active in the womb than Benny was. Nathan still thinks it will be a girl but I still don't got any gut feelings about this one. Anyways, ta ta.


  1. hey hey. Sounds like things are busy! Same here. I'm so glad to hear the baby's head is down! That is very exciting news. Hope we get to see a bit more of you this week.

  2. Nina, I'm glad you enjoy being pregnant it is so comforting to hear that. Ok see you tomorrow!

  3. Miss Nina, its great to hear that you are doing so well! I bet its a girl too!!! We will keep our fingers crossed that the baby cooperates so you can deliver naturally! =) We missed this week! I will call you!! Miss ya!
